Vaginal Flora: Maintain a balanced pH and prevent fungal infections

Almost all women will suffer at least once in their lives from either bacterial vaginosis, vaginal fungal infection, or a urinary tract infection.


There are several causes of high vaginal infections but the main cause is an imbalance in the vaginal flora. What does this mean; The balance is disturbed either by the reduction of the number of “good” bacteria, or due to the overgrowth of the “bad” bacteria or fungal cells. The reduction of “good” bacteria and the overgrowth of harmful microbes are often associated. When this happens, your body can either manage the fight on its own and return to a healthy state of balance, or need some outside help with probiotic medications and products or a lifestyle change.


But what is considered healthy vaginal flora?

A healthy vagina is inhabited by a large amount of “good” bacteria. These are the well-known “lactobacilli”. These bacteria are considered the “guardians” of the vagina. They can inhibit the growth of potentially harmful bacteria / fungi, producing lactic acid and hydrogen peroxide, and prevent “bad” bacteria from attaching to the vaginal walls. Lactic acid helps maintain the acidic environment of the vagina, while hydrogen peroxide helps fight “bad” bacteria.


Many factors can upset the fine balance that exists within the vagina. These include:

  • tissue damage caused by childbirth,
  • health problems,
  • stress,
  • certain medications,
  • tight clothing or synthetic underwear,
  • poor hygiene,
  • irritants within lotions,
  • shower gels and other cosmetic products,
  • friction caused during penetration,
  • if the woman is not sufficiently aroused during intercourse,
  • hormonal changes.


What is a healthy or normal vaginal pH?

The average value, ie the normal level of vaginal pH for women is 4.5 on the pH scale, according to research. The closer to 1 the levels are acidic while the closer to 14 it is alkaline. A higher pH number can allow bacteria to grow, such as a vaginal fungus.

What is pH?

So, as you can appreciate what vaginal pH balance is and what happens without it. But what is pH exactly and how do you control it?


PH, referred to as active acidity, is a scale of 14 to 0 that measures how acidic or alkaline a liquid is. A glass of water would be at 7, which means it is completely neutral. The acid in the battery has a pH of zero, while the bleach is above 13. This is determined by the number of hydrogen atoms, hence its name.


Not all levels of acidity in the body are the same. Blood is usually more alkaline than the vagina, at level 7. In contrast to vaginal pH levels, sperm are maintained at 7.2-8.2, according to research. Maintaining health more broadly means maintaining adequate acidity against alkaline levels in different parts of the body.


Balance disorder

If the vaginal flora is out of balance, the protective role of lactobacilli (“good” bacteria) is reduced. Due to the reduced number of lactobacilli, less lactic acid is produced and the protective low pH of the vagina is affected. As a result, the “bad” bacteria find the opportunity to grow excessively, causing bacterial infections.


During pregnancy, the amount and variety of vaginal lactobacilli often decreases, putting pregnant women at a higher risk of infection.

Symptoms associated with an imbalance in the vaginal flora include:

  • A change in colour or amount of vaginal discharge,
  • A change in the odour,
  • Itching,
  • Irritation,
  • Redness,
  • Swelling,
  • Pain when urinating or during intercourse,
  • Burning,
  • Discomfort.


A balanced vaginal flora helps prevent both bacterial vaginosis and vaginal fungal infections and is vital to good vaginal health. To reduce the risk of vaginal imbalance, adopt good hygiene habits and follow the general recommendations for caring for the sensitive area. Ideally, use a product that contains ingredients that support the growth of “good” bacteria to prevent possible infections and treat their symptoms if they have already occurred.

If you experience any of the above symptoms, it is recommended that you consult your doctor before an emergency occurs.